Cannabis Industry Opportunities
South Carolina
The legislative effort to pass the South Carolina Compassionate Care Act is againunderway in South Carolina. Legislative champions, Sen. Tom Davis and Rep. Peter McCoy, have introduced measures this year that continue the legislative effort to establish a comprehensive and well-regulated program for seriously ill patients to get access. These measures gained a great deal of support from lawmakers last year, and that work to build support continues.
South Carolina legalized the use of low THC, high CBD products for patients with qualifying medical conditions. Patients with epilepsy were added to the list, amending the original list to include the prescription of cannabis oil to control seizures. Attempts to legalize the cultivation and distribution of varying marijuana strains began in 2018. The bill has not moved since.
If S. 150 passes it would offer the following license categories:
Information on Cultivation License in South Carolina: South Carolina would be offering up to 15 cultivation center licenses, allowing indoor and outdoor cultivation respectfully. These centers must be zoned for agriculture.
Information on Processor License in South Carolina: They will be offering up to 30 processing licenses, which must be zoned for manufacturing.
Information on Transporter License in South Carolina: They will be offering 4 transporter licenses within the state, allowing owners to transport and transfer cannabis products between facilities.
Information on Dispensary License in South Carolina: A dispensary license must be zoned for commercial use and employ a pharmacist or physician on-site. There will be one dispensary license for every twenty pharmacies, with a minimum of one dispensary per county.
Information on Testing Laboratory License in South Carolina: There will be 5 testing facility licenses awarded within the state, allowing facilities to transport cannabis to the lab for approval of consumption.
Under this bill, it will allow up to 100 dispensary licenses and 15 vertically integrated facilities within the state.
Under the proposed bill, patients would need to have a qualifying condition and obtain physician approval to acquire medical cannabis for treatment. The bill would allow for the purchase of up to 2 ounces every two weeks.
2017. The state legalizes growing hemp for industrial purposes. As of 2018, the law allows for up to 50 cultivation licenses, authorizing 50 acres each.
2014. CBD oil is legalized for medical use for children with severe epilepsy. The patient must be certified by a physician in order to obtain CBD for treatment. Senate Bill 1035, "Julian's Law",
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If the South Carolina legalized adult use of cannabis, it could produce up to $215 million annually depending on the amount of cannabis business licenses issued.
If you are just starting your marijuana business, the best next step is to create a Business Plan to educate your team and prepare for the marijuana business license application process.
If you are ready to apply for a Marijuana Business License in South Carolina, please contact us or call our offices to set up an appointment. You can also explore other state opportunities or fill out our Contact Form to discuss strategies such as investment or partnership opportunities.