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How to Open a Dispensary In Montana

How To Open a Dispensary In Montana

Montana Marijuana Laws

In January, 2021 Initiative NO. 190 passed in the state allowing for limited recreational sales of marijuana for adults over the age of 21.

I-190 requires the Department of Revenue to license and regulate the cultivation, transportation, and sale of marijuana and marijuana-infused products and to inspect premises where marijuana is cultivated and sold. It requires licensed laboratories to test marijuana and marijuana-infused products for potency and contaminants. I-190 establishes a 20% tax on non-medical marijuana. 10.5% of the tax revenue goes to the state general fund, with the rest dedicated to accounts for conservation programs, substance abuse treatment, veterans’ services, healthcare costs, and localities where marijuana is sold. I-190 allows a person currently serving a sentence for an act permitted by I-190 to apply for re-sentencing or an expungement of the conviction. I-190 prohibits advertising of marijuana and related products.

HB 701 revises Initiative NO. 190 and establishes a framework for medical marijuana dispensaries to get licensed for retail sale starting Jan 1, 2022. Giving them a head start on the adult use market. Dispensaries that are not already medically licensed in the state of Montana would have to wait till July 1, 2023 to open to the adult use market.

Recreational License Categories

Montana's has a canopy licensing system which allows for individuals to scale their operations as their ready, however you may not start out on any tier above two unless purchasing tier from a already licensed individual.

Adult-Use Providers

Adult-Use Marijuana-Infused Products Provider

Call us at (702) 533-4899 or please fill out our contact form!

Book a consultation with one of our experts and let us guide you.

Adult-Use Dispensary

Testing Laboratory License

More information about Adult Use Marijuana Bill Initiative 190 can be found here: Initiative 190

Call us at (702) 533-4899 or please fill out our contact form!

Book a consultation with one of our experts and let us guide you.

Estimated Market Size

Within a few years, annual sales via dispensaries in Montana could hit $250 million - $350 million

How to Start a Marijuana Business in montana

If you are just starting your marijuana business, the best next step is to create a Business Plan to educate your team and prepare for the marijuana business license application process.

If you are ready to apply for a Marijuana Business License in montana, please contact us or call our offices to set up an appointment. You can also explore other state opportunities or fill out our Contact Form to discuss strategies such as investment or partnership opportunities.